PTSA Volunteer FAQ

Many people have questions, especially if they haven't volunteered at our school before. Here are some answers to commonly asked questions. Please don't hesitate to ask if your questions aren't answered here!!


What types of positions are available as a volunteer?
There are many different kinds of positions available. 

  • Leadership / Executive Board - become an integral part of the running of the PTSA by running for one of the elected positions (President, Vice President, Secretary or Treasurer) or appointed positions (Communications, Membership or Advocacy). Hours depend on the position, but they are positions for the school year (generally July - June). All leadership positions do have a training requirement to ensure volunteers are knowledgeable about their roles and how PTSA runs. Training is provided and paid for.  
  • Program Chair - take on a role where you are managing and working to ensure a successful program (for example, Art Docent, Advocacy Chair or After School Programs). Hours required will depend on the position, but these do tend to be school year commitments (generally July - June). 
  • Event Chair - take on an event (or events), coordinating the timing, content, communication and volunteer recruiting to ensure a successful event (for example, Bingo Night, Fall Community Event, a Family Fun Night, Day at the Mariners OR Skate Nights). The hours required for these greatly depends on the type of event and how many events are handled. 
  • Volunteer to help at an event or with a program - use the signup sheet or contact the chairperson to volunteer to help!!  You can help with a single event like Science Fair. Or you can sign up to join the Book Fair, or even helping in the library once a week.  You can also offer to help the chairperson with organization - if you want to learn about it but aren't quite ready to take on a chair position!
  • School volunteers - and of course, the school is always looking for volunteers - talk to your student's teacher, or the front office about helping out at school (on the playground, etc).


Do I need to take on a Chair position on my own?

Absolutely NOT! Any chair position can be shared! Find a friend and serve together as co-chairs OR let us know you would like to partner with someone but you want to help finding someone! You can have a TEAM of Chairs, if that will work best for you! Many hands make for lighter work.


Are there any procedures I need to follow before I can volunteer?

Yes, if you plan to volunteer in the classroom, you will need to complete and submit all required online Northshore School District Volunteer forms including Volunteer Application, Volunteer Disclosure, and Washington State Request for Criminal History Information form. 

Also, certain programs do have additional training required prior to participating - for example Watch D.O.G.S. program has a training session.


Will volunteering in the PTSA be a BIG time commitment?

It can be as little or as much time as you can manage. We can help you find something that will fit your time limitations!


Is there a way to be notified of Volunteer Opportunities?

We highlight Volunteer Opportunities in the regular newsletters, in event announcements and on our webpage.  

You can check out the latest newsletter here:  


Can I only volunteer once in a while without being pressured to volunteer for future events?

Absolutely! We do not pressure anyone into volunteering and that is a promise! You can volunteer as much or as little as you desire. We value your time! We are thankful for your 5 minutes or your 50 minutes. We may ask you to volunteer for another event, but it's perfectly okay to say “No”. If everyone does a little, it goes a long way.


Can I volunteer for more than one committee?

Absolutely! You can volunteer for as many committees as you are comfortable with.  


I am not comfortable having to interact with a lot of people. Are there still tasks that I can do?

Let us know what you are comfortable with - and we will work with you to ensure you find something that will work! There are several "behind the scenes" type roles that might be PERFECT.


What if I sign up and then something happens so I can’t do the job?

Just let a PTSA board member know and we will ensure you get help. Let everyone know quickly. Don't leave it until the last minute.


Can I get help with an event, if I need it? 

We have many volunteers that can step in and add additional support. Please ask!!


What happens if you don't fill an event or program chair position?

Our Ruby BridgesPTSA Executive Board has agreed that the right thing to do for our PTSA is to set deadlines by which volunteers are needed for programs/events for scheduling & budgeting purposes. If we don't have a chair by the deadline, we will cancel the event. While this makes us all sad to think about canceling things, we know its not sustainable for us to just keep taking on more without the needed additional volunteers. You will see deadline as they approach, we will make sure to communicate the need and the deadline.


Still have questions?  Please email us at or contact our PTSA President.




Ready to be a Committee Chair check out these expectations below:  


I understand that I have the following financial responsibilities as a committee chairperson:

  • I must ensure that only an elected to serve the PTSA signs a contract with an outside entity and other signature on a contract will render that document non-binding legally.
  • I cannot spend more money than it has been budgeted for my committee without prior approval from the board of directors or general membership.
  • I will make sure that my committee members are aware of these conditions
  • I also understand that failure to adhere to the above procedures could possible Lee place me with the liability for the debts incurred by my committee


  • Attend PTSA meetings
  • Attend Board of Directors meetings
  • Prepare for and participate in meetings
  • Deal with facts and personalities
  • Know organizations finances
  • Support decisions of the board
  • Avoid conflicts of interest
  • Maintain confidentiality
  • Evaluate programs and services
  • Encourage “Vision”